Present Simple Tense: 12 Basic English Tenses

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Present simple tense adalah tense paling dasar. Ia menggunakan bentuk dasar kata kerja (Untuk mempermudah, saya mengistilahkan dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama/verb 1). 

present simple tense

Penggunaan Present Simple Tense

Kita menggunakan tense ini untuk:

1. mengatakan bahwa sesuatu terjadi sepanjang waktu atau berulang kali (repeated actions or habits).


Mariana gets up at 5 o'clock every morning.

I don't visit Bandung very often.

We play football every Saturday.

2. mengatakan bahwa sesuatu itu benar secara umum (permanently true).


I come from Doha.

We live in Saudi.

The earth goes round the sun.

Struktur Kalimat Present Simple Tense

1. Positive Form

a. I/You/They/We + verb1

Contoh: I work.

b. He/She/It + verb1 (add "s" to the verb1)

Contoh: She works.

2. Negative form

a. I/You/They/We + do not/don't + verb1

Contoh: I don't work.

b. He/She/It + does not/doesn't + verb1 (do not add "s" to the verb1)

Contoh: He doesn't work.

3. Question form

a. Do + I/You/They/We + verb1?

Contoh: Do you work?

b. Does + He/She/It + verb1 (do not add "s" to the verb1)?

Adverb yang digunakan

1. Adverb of frequency

Contoh adverb: often, sometimes, always, usually, never, occasionally.

Contoh kalimat: He often goes there.

2. Repeated times

Contoh: every morning, at 9.30, in the morning, on Wednesday, 

Contoh kalimat: Palupi eats a lot of ice cream in the summer.

Contoh expressions of time lainnya: once a day, twice a week, three times a year, rarely, hardly ever, seldom, in the autumn, in the winter, in the spring.

Contoh kalimat: We go to Saudi three times a year.

Catatan Tambahan tentang verb1 yang ditambah huruf "s" di akhirnya

1. Verbs yang huruf akhirnya sh, ch, ss, o, atau x ditambah "-es".


I teach English.

She teaches English.

Contoh lainnya: go => goes, fix => fixes, watch => watches, wash => washes, miss => misses.

2. Verbs yang berakhiran konsonan + y, ubah huruf y menjadi i, kemudian tambahkan "-es".


I study English.

He studies English.

Contoh lainnya: carry => carries

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