Contoh Percakapan Pelayanan Prima di Hotel Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Anda punya rencana melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri, baik itu untuk melanjutkan sekolah di luar negeri atau sekadar liburan di luar negeri?

Ketika melakukan traveling, menginap di hotel adalah akomodasi yang umum selain menumpang bermalam di rumah atau apartemen teman atau keluarga yang tinggal di negeri yang kita tuju.

Sebagai traveler yang menginap di hotel, berkomunikasi dengan petugas hotel adalah suatu hal yang pasti.

buku panduan percakapan bahasa inggris

Kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh percakapan pelayanan prima (excellent service) yang diberikan petugas hotel kepada tamu, mulai dari front desk officer (resepsionis), porter (pengangkut barang), housekeeping, room service, waiter, dan lainnya dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Tujuan artikel contoh dialog di hotel ini adalah agar anda punya gambaran apa saja yang akan ditanya atau apa saja jawabannya, sehingga anda lebih percaya diri dan siap untuk berkomunikasi dengan staf hotel di luar negeri yang berbahasa Inggris.

Saya mulai dengan percakapan antara tamu dengan front officer.

Contoh Percakapan Antara Tamu dan Front Desk Officer (resepsionis) di Hotel

contoh dialog pelayanan prima di hotel bahasa inggris dan indonesia

Guest: Hi, I've just arrived. Could you help me with my check-in?

(Hai, Saya baru saja datang. Dapatkah kamu membantu saya check-in?)

Front Officer: Of course, sir. Welcome to our hotel! We're delighted to have you with us. May I have your name and reservation details, please?

(Tentu saja pak. Selamat datang di hotel kami. Kami senang atas kunjungan anda. Boleh saya tahun nama dan info reservasi detail anda?)

Guest: Yes, my name is Ahmed, and my reservation was made under my name, Ahmed Ali.

(Nama saya Ahmad. Reservasinya atas nama saya Ahmad Ali)

Front Officer: Thank you, Mr. Ahmed. I notice that your reservation is for a deluxe room with a mountain view. To make your stay as comfortable as possible, do you have any preferences or special requests?

(Terima kasih pak Ahmad. Reservasi anda untuk ruangan deluxe dengan pemandangan pegunungan. Mungkin anda ada permintaan khusus yang membuat anda lebih nyaman di hotel ini?)

Guest: Yes, I would like to add a massage at the spa.

(Iya, saya mau layanan pijat di spa)

Front Officer: Great, I'll take care of that for you. 

(Baik, saya akan tambahkan layanan tersebut untuk anda)

Guest: Thank you.

(Terima kasih)

Front Officer: Here is your room key, Mr. Ahmed. Your room is on the 9th floor, and the elevators are just over there on your left. Your luggage will be brought up to your room shortly. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

(Ini kunci kamarnya pak Ahmad. Kamar anda di lantai 9, dan lift ada di sebelah kiri anda. Tas anda akan segera dibawa ke kamar anda. Ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu?)

Guest: No, that's all for now. Thank you for your excellent service!

(Cukup. Terima kasih atas pelayanan prima anda)

Front Officer: You're welcome, Mr. Ahmed. We hope you have a wonderful stay, and if there's anything else we can do to make your experience more enjoyable, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy your stay!

(Sama-sama pak. Kami harap anda mendapatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan, dan jika ada hal lain yang bisa kami bantu agar pengalaman anda lebih menyenangkan, jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami. Selamat menikmati pengalaman di hotel ini)

Contoh Percakapan Antara Tamu dan Porter (Bellman/Bellboy) di Hotel

percakapan pelayanan bellman/bellboy/porter dengan tamu hotel

Guest: Good morning, I'm looking for the reception desk.

(Selamat pagi, saya mau ke resepsionis)

Porter: Good morning, sir. Welcome to our hotel. I’m Rudy, and I am one of the porters. Can I help you with your bags and lead you to the reception desk?

(Selamat pagi pak. Selamat datang di hotel ini. Saya Rudi, salah satu porter. Saya bantu mengangkat tas anda dan mengantarkan anda ke resepsionis)

Guest: That would be great. Thank you, Rudy.

(Terima kasih Rudi)

Porter: Let me take your luggage for you. Our reception desk is right over here. While we're walking, can I help you with anything else?

(Biar saya bawakan tas anda. Resepsionis ada di sini. Apakah ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu selagi kita menuju ke resepsionis)

Guest: Is there somewhere nearby I can get a quick snack? I'm hungry.

(Apakah ada di dekat sini tempat untuk mendapatkan makanan ringan? Saya lapar)

Porter: Certainly, sir. Our hotel has a restaurants on the first floor that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also have a coffee shop that's open 24 hours a day.

(Tentu saja ada pak. Hotel kami punya beberapa restoran di lantai satu yang menyediakan sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam. Di sana juga ada kedai kopi yang buka 24 jam)

Guest: Perfect! I'll definitely check them out. Thank you for letting me know.

Porter: You're welcome, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with? Perhaps you would like to know more about our hotel's amenities or services?

Guest: Yes, please. Can you tell me what else the hotel has to offer?

Porter: Absolutely, sir. Our hotel has a fitness center, swimming pool, and spa. For business travelers, our business center is available 24/7. Plus, the front desk can help with tour and ticket bookings for nearby attractions.

Guest: Wow, that sounds great. Thank you for the information, Rudy. You've been very helpful.

Porter: It's my pleasure, sir. I'm glad I could be of assistance. If you need anything else during your stay, please don't hesitate to let us know. Enjoy your stay with us!

Contoh percakapan antara room service dan guest di hotel

percakapan pelayanan room service dan guest di hotel

Guest: Hi, I'm in need of some assistance. Could you please send someone to my room?

Room Service Officer: Of course, sir. Is there something specific you need help with?

Guest: Yes, I'm having trouble with the Wi-Fi in my room. I can't connect to the internet.

Room Service Officer: I'm sorry to hear that, sir. I will send our IT support to your room right away to resolve the issue for you.

Guest: Thank you. I really appreciate it.

Room Service Officer: Not a problem, sir. In the meantime, is there anything else you need assistance with?

Guest: Actually, I have a few bags that I need to take down to my car.

Room Service Officer: I can arrange for a bellman to come up and assist you with your luggage. Would you like them to meet you in your room or in the lobby?

Guest: Could he meet me in my room, please?

Room Service Officer: Absolutely, sir. I'll have him up to your room shortly. Is there anything else I can assist you with?

Guest: No, that's all. Your service was outstanding. Thanks!

Room Service Officer: You're welcome, sir. If you need anything else during your stay, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Contoh percakapan antara guest dengan housekeeping di hotel

percakapan guest hotel dengan housekeeping

Guest: Good morning, could you please clean my room today?

Housekeeping Officer: Absolutely, I will be happy to support you. May I know what time is most comfortable for you?

Guest: I'm planning to be out for a few hours this morning, so anytime after 9:00 a.m. would be great.

Housekeeping Officer: Perfect, we'll make sure to clean your room after that time. Additionally,  would you like us to provide new towels or linens?

Guest: Yes, I could use some fresh towels and a new set of sheets if possible.

Housekeeping Officer: Not a problem at all, we'll make sure to have those ready for you when you return. Is there anything else you need during your stay with us?

Guest: No, that's all. Thank you for your help.

Housekeeping Officer: You're welcome, if you need anything else, don't hesitate to let us know. Have a great day!

Contoh Percakapan antara guest dengan waiter di hotel

percakapan antara waiter dan guest di hotel

Berikut adalah percakapan memesan makanan di hotel dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Guest: Hi, can I get a table for two, please?

Waiter: Absolutely! Right this way, sir. Is this your first time dining with us?

Guest: Yes, it is. I heard the food here is amazing. Can you recommend any dishes?

Waiter: Of course! Our most popular dish is the grilled salmon with roasted vegetables. 

Guest: That sounds great! 

Waiter: Absolutely. And may I also suggest our dessert special for tonight? It's a homemade chocolate cake with raspberry sauce.

Guest: That sounds delicious. We'll take one of those too.

Waiter: Excellent. Your food should be out shortly. And please don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

Itulah contoh dialog atau percakapan yang biasa terjadi di hotel.

Anda dapat melihat contoh dialog di atas bahwa percakapan yang umum di hotel antara tamu dan petugas atau staf hotel adalah seputar pemesanan kamar, check-in/out, permintaan layanan, pemesanan makanan/minuman, permintaan layanan tambahan, pertanyaan seputar info tempat yang layak dikunjungi di sekitar hotel, atau keluhan terkait pelayanan hotel.

Ekspresi di atas dapat anda modifikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, hanya mengganti suatu noun dengan noun lain, suatu verb dengan verb lain, suatu adverb dengan adverb lain, dan seterusnya, yang sesuai dengan keperluan anda.

Dengan begitu, diharapkan anda lebih mudah berkomunikasi dengan petugas hotel dengan lebih mudah.

Semoga contoh percakapan di hotel ini bermanfaat bagi anda.