Latihan Soal Subject & Object Pronoun | Beserta Jawabannya

Materi tentang pronoun banyak yang keluar dalam ujian. Pun juga sering dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu sobat harus memahami dengan baik materi pelajaran pronoun ini.

Agar sobat makin paham tentang pronoun sehingga dapat menjawab soal-soal ujian bahasa Inggris serta mengaplikasikannya dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari, maka saya akan membuat soal latihan pronoun ini.

buku teori bahasa inggris dan latihan soal serta kunci jawaban
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Sebelum menuliskan soal-soal, saya akan ulas dahulu sedikit teori tentang pronoun.

Sebenarnya materi tentang pronoun telah saya bahas pada tulisan berikut :

- Mengenal pronoun

- Teori Pronoun dan contoh soal

Namun ada baiknya saya ulang sedikit agar sobat lebih paham dan hafal.

Teori tentang pronoun

Saya tidak menjelaskan panjang lebar tentang hal ini, jika sobat ingin mereview materi pronoun, silakan baca pada link di atas.

Subject pronoun = I, you, we, they, he, she, it

Object pronoun = me, you, us, them, him, her, it

Letak subject pronoun dalam kalimat

Sesuai dengan namanya, ia dalam kalimat berfungsi sebagai subject, sehingga pada umumnya terletak di awal kalimat (di depan).

Contoh :

- I read the newspaper.

Pada kalimat di atas, pronoun yang bertindak sebagai subject (subject pronoun) adalah "I".

- She loves me.

Pada kalimat di atas, "she" adalah subject pronoun.

Letak object pronoun dalam kalimat

Sesuai namanya, pronoun ini berfungsi sebagai object, sehingga biasanya ia terletak di akhir kalimat.

Contohnya :

- Mariana loves me.

Pada kalimat di atas :

mariana adalah subject, loves adalah verb, dan me adalah object.

Object pronoun juga bisa terletak setelah preposition.

Contoh :

- Asrini plays with him.

"him" yaitu object pronoun, dan letaknya setelah preposisi "with".

Soal latihan subject pronoun dan object pronoun

Choose the correct pronoun

1. Can you help (I/me) with this box?

2. (I/me) always see (they/them) at the school.

3. How do you teach (she/her) to play football?

4. (I/me) love (she/her) very much.

5. Why do you like (he/him)?

6. Wait for (we/us).

7. Would you like to have a lunch with (I/me)?

8. Do (they/them) inform (he/him) that his application has been rejected?

9. (I/me) think (she/her) likes (I/me)

10. I asked (he/him) a question but (he/him) didn't answer.

Complete the sentence with object pronoun.

1. I can't send this letter to her. Could you send ... for me?

2. Those books are good. I want to read ...

3. Did you meet Mariana yesterday? I phoned  ... but no answer.

4. We are going to visit you. Is it possible for ... to visit you?

5. I can't do this task alone. Can you help ... ?

6. He's beginner. Give ... some more time to finish it.

7. Today is your birthday. I don't forget about ...

8. Rosma is very beautiful and smart. Do you know ...?

9. My father ask me to come, but I am afraid I can't visit ...

10. I want to help you. Please tell ... about your problem.

Jawaban dan pembahasan

Choose the correct pronoun

contoh soal dan jawabannya tentang subject dan object pronoun

1. Can you help (I/me) with this box?

Jawab : Can you help me with this box?

2. (I/me) always see (they/them) at the school.

Jawab : I always see them at the school.

3. How do you teach (she/her) to play football?

Jawab : How do you teach her to play football?

4. (I/me) love (she/her) very much.

Jawab : I love her very much.

5. Why do you like (he/him)?

Jawab : Why do you like him?

6. Wait for (we/us).

Jawab : Wait for us.

7. Would you like to have a lunch with (I/me)?

Jawab : Would you like to have a lunch with me?

8. Do (they/them) inform (he/him) that his application has been rejected?

Jawab : Do they inform him that his application has been rejected?

9. (I/me) think (she/her) likes (I/me)

Jawab : I think she likes me.

10. I asked (he/him) a question but (he/him) didn't answer.

Jawab : I asked him a question but he didn't answer.

Complete the sentence with object pronoun.

materi pelajaran bahasa inggris subject pronoun dan object pronoun

1. I can't send this letter to her. Could you send ... for me?

Jawab : I can't send this letter to her. Could you send it for me?

2. Those books are good. I want to read ...

Jawab : Those books are good. I want to read them.

3. Did you meet Mariana yesterday? I phoned  ... but no answer.

Jawab : Did you meet Mariana yesterday? I phoned her but no answer.

4. We are going to visit you. Is it possible for ... to visit you?

Jawab : We are going to visit you. Is it possible for us to visit you?

5. I can't do this task alone. Can you help ... ?

Jawab : I can't do this task alone. Can you help me?

6. He's beginner. Give ... some more time to finish it.

Jawab : He's beginner. Give him some more time to finish it.

7. Today is your birthday. I don't forget about ...

Jawab : Today is your birthday. I don't forget about it.

8. Rosma is very beautiful and smart woman. Do you know ...?

Jawab : Rosma is very beautiful and smart woman. Do you know her?

9. My father ask me to come, but I am afraid I can't visit ...

Jawab : My father ask me to come, but I am afraid I cant't visit him.

10. I want to help you. Please tell ... about your problem.

Jawab : I want to help you. Please tell me about your problem.


Kurang puas mengerjakan soalnya? Jika iya, silakan kerjakan lagi contoh-contoh dan kumpulan soal tentang subject dan object pronoun

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