Possessive adjective: Materi dan Latihan Soal

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materi possessive adjective dan latihan soal

Bahasan materinya adalah konsep dasar possessive adjective, list possessive adjective sesuai dengan pasangan personal pronoun-nya, dan terakhir adalah latihan soal mengenai possessive pronoun beserta jawabannya.

Basic Concept

A possessive adjective is a word that is used to show ownership or possession. It is placed before a noun to indicate who owns or possesses it.

Possessive adjective adalah kata yang menunjukkan kepemilikan. 

Possessive adjective terletak sebelum noun untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan terhadap noun tersebut. 


my book, artinya buku milik saya/buku saya.

"my" terletak sebelum "book".

Daftar possessive adjective

Berikut adalah possessive adjective berdasarkan urutan personal pronoun.

Personal pronoun, Possessive adjective = I, my

(baca: personal pronoun "I", bentuk possessive adjectivenya adalah "my").

Untuk selanjutnya saya tulis: bentuk personal pronoun, bentuk possessive adjective.

I, my

you, your

she, her

he, his

it, its

we, our

they, their

personal pronoun dan possessive adjective

Catatan: possessive adjective dari personal pronoun "it" ditulis "its" (tanpa apostrophe).

Contoh penulisan:

The dog likes it's food => salah.

The dog likes its food => benar.

Hati-hati juga dalam penulisan your dan you're.

Your adalah possessive adjective yang berarti milikmu, contoh nya your book (bukumu), sedangkan you're adalah singkatan dari you are.

Latihan soal

Complete the sentence with appropriate possessive adjective.


1. Rosma is doing ... homework.

Answer: Rosma is doing her homework.

2. Do you live with ... parents?

3. We love ... parents.

4. She is in ... room.

5. The children are with ... grandfather.

6. They like ... new school.

7. Are you and your friend enjoying ... journey.

8. The cat like ... food.

9. She is with ... daughter.

10. I like reading ... books at the weekend.


2. Do you live with (your) parents?

3. We love (our) parents.

4. She is in (her) room.

5. The children are with (their) grandfather.

6. They like (their) new school.

7. Are you and your friend enjoying (your) journey.

8. The cat like (its) food.

9. He is with (his) daughter.

10. I like reading (my) books at the weekend.


Materi terkait

Apa itu possessive pronoun? 

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